
Table of Contents

Article I – Meetings

Section 1:
Meetings of the Association shall be held no less than three times annually, one meeting of which shall be designated as the Annual Meeting convened for the purpose of electing officers and the conducting of other related business.
Section 2:
The date and site of each meeting shall be determined by the Executive Board except for the annual meeting, which shall be held in the fall of the year.
Section 3:
Notice of the time and location of each meeting shall be sent to the membership no less than 30 days prior to such meeting.
Section 4:

A quorum shall consist of the members in attendance.

Section 5:
Voting: Except as provided herein, matters upon which a vote is called shall be decided by a majority of those voting. In case of a roll call vote, each county with members present will be entitled to one vote.
Section 6:

Proxy votes shall not be permitted.

Section 7:

The Executive Board shall decide upon the order of business and all meetings shall be conducted by Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised.

Article II – Election of Officers

Section 1:

The officers of the Association shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary.

Section 2:

A single slate for each office shall be made by the operations committee and nominations shall be limited to the full members of the Association. Nominations may also be submitted at the Annual Meeting from the floor.

Section 3:

Terms of office shall be for a period of two years commencing on the first day of January, of the year following the Annual Meeting. No member shall be elected to more than four consecutive years in the same office.

Section 4:

Election of officers shall be determined by a majority vote.

Section 5:

The office of President and Vice-President shall be held only by a Chief Administrator or Executive Officer of the Family Division.

Article III – Duties of Officers

Section 1:

The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and all meetings of the Executive Board. The President shall be a member ex-officio of all committees. The President shall have the power to appoint committees and to fill vacancies occurring in committees. All authority otherwise invested shall be handled by the President and he/she shall perform the duties usually incident to the office.

Section 2:

In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall temporarily perform the duties of the President. The Vice-President shall assist the President in the conduct of Association business as assigned. In the event of a resignation, death or permanent incapacity of the President, the Vice-President shall assume the office, duties and responsibilities of the President for the unexpired term. In addition the Vice President shall also serve as chair of the operations committee.

Section 3:

The Treasurer shall act as Treasurer of the Association. The Treasurer shall collect all monies and disperse such funds in the name of and to the credit of the Association. The Treasurer shall keep a record of all money received, shall review and audit all bills and, if correct, make payment therefore in a manner consistent with the order of the Executive Board. The Treasurer shall keep a record of bills certified by the Treasurer, the amount and to whom payable. The Treasurer shall submit a report at each meeting and shall submit a written financial report at the annual meeting. The Treasurer shall serve as a member of the operations committee.

Section 4:

The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings, shall maintain custody of all Association records and perform all duties incident to the office.

Section 5:

Other duties of the President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary shall be such as the Executive Board may, from time to time, direct.

Section 6:

The immediate past president shall maintain the historical records of the association.

Article IV – Executive Board

Section 1:

The Executive Board shall consist of the Officers of the Association, the immediate Past President, the chair of the program committee, the chair of the legislative and resolutions committee, and three Trustees, the latter to be elected and serve terms in like manner as provided in Article II of By-Laws for Officers of the Association.

Section 2:

Meetings shall be called by the President or by any three members of the Executive Board from time to time as required for proper conduct of the Association’s business.

Section 3:

A quorum shall consist of five members of the Executive Board.

Section 4:

The Executive Board shall have the entire management of the affairs of the Association. They shall fill any vacancies in an office or on the Board except the office of the President, until the next Annual Meeting. All appropriations of funds of the Association must be made or approved by the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall have the power and authority to invest or reinvest funds of the Association provided such investments are made for the purpose of securing income for the Association and Association’s Constitution or By-Laws or the laws of the State of Michigan. The Board shall have such other powers and duties as shall be prescribed by law, the Association Constitution and By-Laws, or by appropriate action of the Association.

Article V – Committees

Section 1:

The President, subject to the approval of the Executive Board, shall determine the standing and special committees of the Association, which shall be constituted and shall define the powers and duties of such committees, subject to provision of the By-Laws. The Chairperson of all standing committees shall be appointed or re-appointed from time to time and shall continue at the pleasure of the President, with the exception of the Operations Committee, which shall be chaired by the Vice President. Subject to the approval of the President, each standing or special committee may establish sub-committees to assist in the performance of its responsibilities.

Section 2:

Legislative and Court Rule Committee – shall review proposed and pending legislation, court rules, and related policy proposals that impact family courts and child and family issues. The committee will recommend to the Association formal positions and/or other actions to be taken in regard to legislative or court rule proposals. The President shall appoint a chairperson of this committee, who shall also serve as a member of the Executive Board.

Section 3:

Program Committee – shall plan the agenda for the meetings of the Association and for coordinating the various aspects of meeting programs with the assistance of the Executive Board. The President shall appoint a chairperson of this committee who shall also serve as a member of the Executive Board.

Section 4:

Liaison Committee – shall be responsible for liaison with state level public and private organizations and individuals regarding matters of concern to the Association. The President shall appoint a chair of the committee. At least one Trustee shall serve on the Liaison Committee.

Section 5:

Operations Committee – shall be responsible for the regular functions and maintenance of Association business, including financial activities, resolutions, Executive Board nominations, membership recruitment and retention, and internal and external communications. The Vice President shall serve as chair of the Operations Committee and the Treasurer shall serve as a member of the Operations Committee.

Section 6:

Court Funding Committee – shall be responsible for representing the Association regarding local, state, and federal policy initiatives concerning court funding. The committee will recommend to the Association formal positions and/or other actions to be taken in regard to funding issues and advocate for sustainable funding for courts with jurisdiction over children and families. At least one Trustee shall serve on the Court Funding Committee.

Section 7:

Special Committees – may be appointed from time to time, as required, to achieve the Association’s purpose and objectives.

Article VI – Dues

Section 1:

All dues and fees for each membership category shall be paid by members in such amounts as may be fixed and determined by the Executive Board.

Section 2:

Dues shall be due and payable on the first day of January of each calendar year and shall be declared delinquent if not paid by the first day of March and shall cease to be a member in good standing and such member’s name shall be stricken from the rolls of the Association.

Article VII – Amendments

Section 1:

Amendments to the By-Laws shall be in the same manner as amendments to the Constitution.

Revised and Approved

May 2, 2021
  1. It is preferred that one of the Board members is to be from the Northern Lower Peninsula or the Upper Peninsula. If no nominees are endorsed and accepted from the Northern Lower Peninsula or the Upper Peninsula, then nominations shall be sought from the full membership.

  2. Traditionally, the President has nominated the Immediate Past President to chair the nominations and conduct that portion of the meeting when elections are held.

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